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International Terrorism, Crime Research

Posted on:2008-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215973021Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, international terrorism crime is more drastic than the past, as the US '9.11" is a type. It destroys order and security of the international society. The nations abominate international terrorism crime very much. But it is difficult to form a common definition of international terrorism crime, to penalize this crime and to protect human rights in the process of repressing this crime, because of the complex international politics and economy relationship. International judicature cooperation in suppressing international terrorism crime is used to base on international pacts, traditions and territorial pacts. The nations expect UN lead them to build a united anti-terrorism pact in proper time, so as to form a more effective cooperation to repress the crime. As an important member in the nations, our country should act actively in suppressing international terrorism crime and boost anti-terrorism legislation. This requests us summarize our experience and research international terrorism crime. Politics and economy is root of international terrorism crime. So we can not prevent and annihilate international terrorism crime by merely administering corporal punishment. After analyzing the origin of international terrorism crime, we must make use of law, politics and economy ways in making policy of preventing and repressing international terrorism crime.This thesis is divided into five parts and the concrete content of each part is as follows:PartⅠ: In this part, the thesis expounds the concept of terrorism and terrorism crime and points out the feature and the developing tendency of international terrorism crime.PartⅡ: In this part, base on expounding the concept of international terrorism crime at the previous, the thesis discusses the question about criminal responsibility of international terrorism crime through analyzing the four elements of it. These four elements are the subject, the basis as well as the realizing ways and patterns. PartⅢ: In this part, the thesis shows that accompanying the progress against international terrorism crime, we should not ignore the protection of basic human rights. In order to protect the basic human rights, firstly we must make the anti-terrorism activities accordance to the principle of rule of law. Secondly, we should protect the terrorists' human rights from substantial and procedural tow aspect while they are put in trial. Thirdly, the penalty of terrorism crime also concerns the protection of civil rights.PartⅣ: In this part, the thesis analyzes the cause of formation of international terrorism crime and base on this analysis, the thesis puts forward corresponding policy.PartⅤ: In this part, the thesis discusses primarily the question that the status of the lawmaking of anti-terrorism in our country and puts forward some suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:International terrorism crime, Criminal responsibility, Human right
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