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Trademark Guarantee System

Posted on:2008-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215485427Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Brand Right guarantee is a system that oblige can actualize his right on this Brand Right when obligor don't carry out his obligation. With the developing of economics, traditional guarantee resource can't satisfy the demand of market, lots of finance loan can't reach it's aim. The research on Brand Right guarantee has gigantic significance of theoretics andpractice. Besides traditional mode-Pledge, it contains consortiumMortagage and floating Mortagage, both of them has it's merit and shortcoming, but they enhance the efficiency of financing. They inaugurate a new way for Brand Right guarantee. According to Security Law , Brand Right guarantee should be the same with Pledge, but it is similar with Mortagage because it need enregister ,but transfer the subject matter .On the base of analysis that contain the foundation stone of Brand Right Pledge, the essence and the trend of Mortagage, author discussed the question whether Brand Right can be the same with Mortagage. As Brand Right has perfect enregister system and it differ from Stock Right, Brand Right can be the subject matter of Mortagage .In the end of article, author discussed the instauration condition of Brand Right Pledge, the programme of register and the right and obligation among parties. Besides , author researched the basal ways and principles of Brand Right evaluation , the conditions and manners of implement of Pledge. Contraposing the imaginabale venture, author taked banks as an example , puted forward the design of the measures for keeping away venture, importing the system of Intellectual Property Right Insurance and assets securitization of Brand Right Pledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brand Right guarantee, Right Mortagage, Right Pledge
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