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Mao Zedong Thought (1948-1956) In Power

Posted on:2008-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215472169Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a main founder of the People Republic of China, Mao Zedong not only left us magnificent achievements in new-democratic revolution and socialist revolution and construction, but also left us precious theoretical heritage—Mao Zedong thought, of which , administrative thought was an important component, Mao Zedong combined the universal truth of Marxism with the reality of Chinese revolution; guided Chinese people to found dependent, free, democratic, prosperous and strong New China. The Communist Party of China thereby became the ruling party of the whole country. The Proletarian Party overcame great difficulty in seizing political power, and there was much more difficulty in administering political power well for a long term. This fundamental change urged members of the Communist Party with Mao Zedong at the core to think deeply over various factors, for example, administrative characteristics, qualities the ruling party needed to possess in executing correct leading, and how to promote administrative capacity. They also explored toughly to consolidate political power and administer China well. By doing this, they accumulated adequate administrative experience, and this experience was the source and foundation of the administrative theory of the Communist Party of China.As early as 1948, Mao Zedong began to explore the administrative path of the Communist Party of China. From then on, New China uncovered a new chapter, and members of the Communist Party with Mao Zedong at the core stepped on a new administrative path. Analysis of the sources and background of Mao Zedong thought mainly concerns the following four aspects: theoretical sources mainly include Marxism, Leninist theory and the political doctrine of western bourgeoisie in modern times; traditional sources mainly include Chinese traditional administrative method and Soviet socialist theory; practical foundation mainly include administrative practice of Soviet and socialist states of eastern Europe and partial administrative exploration and practice of the Communist Party of China; actual requirements mainly include development situation of Chinese revolution and international environment faced by the Communist Party of China. The main contents of Mao Zedong administrative thought are as follows: set up leading coverage of serving people, integrate ideology; establish administrative system people's democratic dictatorship, consolidate and develop political power; make definite administrative business of economic construction, recover and develop economy; strengthen administrative requirements of party building and consolidate administrative foundation of the party. Main characteristics of Mao Zedong administrative thought are the unification between pioneering and foundation, between practice and theory, between people and class. Reviewing Mao Zedong administrative thought, the author recognizes its lessons, namely, it didn't solve the problem of Party and government relationship well and left huddle trouble when solving economic problems by political means. So the system construction needed to be perfected and improved and be prevented from"left"deviation thought. Summarizing these lessons, the author draws up the following enlightments: reform and perfect leading and administrative pattern, explore effective ways to develop economy, strengthen system construction and innovation.At present, the academic circles have researched deeply into Mao Zedong administrative thought, however, there are few articles to sort out and expound the sources and background of it systematically. Moreover, although there are a number of adequate research achievements about Mao Zedong administrative thought, they don't confine their researcher to the years between 1948 and 1956. Therefore, it is necessary to further systematize and theorize Mao Zedong administrative thought, especially the one between 1948 and 1956.Making deep research into Mao Zedong administrative thought can provide magnificent references for our Party's further strengthening administrative construction under new environment. It can also contribute significantly to constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:"the year 1948", administrative thought, Mao Zedong
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