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Habermas Discourse Of Democratic Values ​​and Missing

Posted on:2007-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215467209Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
J. Habermas thinks that if we extent his theory of Communication action into the field of politics, we can form a new mode of democracy" discourse of politics" and the new mode of democracy will surpass the mode of democracy of liberalism and republicationism. Habermas points out the limitation of nationalism, national consciousness, national states meet the challenger of globalization and sink into the crisis of legitimate. because globalization can destructure the national states. He maintain, that people replace the identification of national states with the theory of Communication action, and build the world union by the end. Habermas supports the European federalism, he says that European historical heritage, the culture, value of modernization and democracy politics system are the common foundation to European citizens, build the field of public politics, create public culture in which all European citizens can join, if all like that, we can realize the European union.The values about the theorical prosposition of Habermas are: his theory show us pleasure perspective on many parts, not only give us a new way of deep explore the mode of democracy politics, but also integrate the superiorities of public and liberalism, and he make a new try to form mode of democracy in which European citizens join and action eachother. For surmounating the crisis to which the national states face, Habermas offers the goal and the useful path , provides the conception and measure, his viewpoints greatly inspired us to pull the Eastern-Asia union and his theory provide the intelligence support us to strengthen integration Eastern-Asia union, form the mode of goal and structure of rules system, choice of technological ways, we must pointout the shortcoming of Habermas'theory, his theory of Communication action and "discourse of politics" with the strongly Utapia colour, useness of the theory was doubted, the national states has strong government and perfect law syetem, so it's difficulte to realize the "discourse of democracy". we can find that it's more difficulty to push the "discourse of democracy" international society, in which shortage the authority, it's possible to detoxicate the poison of national states, it's either rather difficulty to destructure the national states or it's not necessary to do so. for resolution the globalization problems to which the national states to face or get more safety and benefits, they must make bilateral or multilateral international cooperation and must transfer some sovereign right to more higher international organization, but the fransference don't mean lost the sovereign right, at the same time, the fransference sovereign right also means to extend the sovereign right to get more safety and chance of cooperation and profits. So it's possible to transfer sovereign rights. There is a contradictory between Habermas' goal and choice pathes, one side it's maybe reduce the rate of communication, other side is to increase the difficulty and lost to resolve the questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:theory of Communication action, discourse of politics, Globalization, mode of Eastern-Asia, coorperation
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