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The Traditional Chinese Confucian Of The Law And Its Impact

Posted on:2007-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Confucianism system is great and profound. It almost affects all the aspects of the Chinese daily life. No exception, the law is also affected by it. Up to now, the behave norm that Confucianism worship is still the standard for our daily behave. The influence of the Confucianism upon the Chinese society is deeply. From Qin dynasty and Han dynasty to Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty, regardless how the dynasty substitute, the property, political structure, and the law system of the Chinese society are all be stable .The existence of this stable of society have to return to the Confucianism. On one hand it accumulates as the deep personality and pit inside the mental states of the Chinese nation, on the other hand it also casting into the glorious Chinese ancient history and the glittering law culture. To study the Chinese traditional law, we must begin from the Confucianism. Ever since the Han Dynasty Li is lead into the Chinese traditional law, till the Tang Dynasty Li is combine into the law completely, the Confucianism become the orthodox tradition thought of the feudalism law, the Confucianism bring about profound influence on the law system of the future generations, and these influences have been follow to spread up to now.This thesis is divided into three parts totally, to discuss the endless process for the Confucianism to become the most important characteristic of the Chinese traditional law and its important influence for today. The first part is the process for the Confucianism to become the most important characteristic of the Chinese traditional law. Including the starting point for the Confucianism combined into the Chinese traditional law, the development for the Confucianism combined into the Chinese traditional law, and the completion for the Confucianism combined into the Chinese traditional law. The second part is the performance for the Confucianism combined into the Chinese traditional law. Including on legislation and on judicature. The third part is the reason and influence for the Confucianism combined into the Chinese traditional law. Including the reason for the Confucianism combined into the Chinese traditional law and its influence for today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional
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