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Criminal Witness System

Posted on:2006-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern court case, the rule of character witness is a major part of the criminal institution. The actual state of the low appearance of the witnesses determines the urgency to establish the perfect witness institution. In the study of the problems of the witness institution, there are four chapters, and some relevant ideas.The concept of the witness seniority is expressed, and a scientific, reasonable expression of the witness is suggested, the witness seniority of the children and the investigators should be recognized, and privileges and deletion not to be witness considering the special status and the protection of the public and private interest should be given, studies the concepts of the rule of direct vocal proof and the rule of the hearing evidence, the contentious value, advice to set up the scientific rule system of evidence collection according to Chinese national situation, put forward the thought of forcing witnesses to give evidence, by specifying the range of the witness, clearing the process to appear before the court and ruling the result of breaking the commitment, to make the witnesses actively take his duty, at the same time, duty and right are corresponding, the system of the protection and the compensation of the witnwess should be perfect in order to ensure the witness to appear before the court.
Keywords/Search Tags:criminal prosecution, the rule of character witness
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