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On The Legal Control Of Administrative Guidance

Posted on:2007-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360182990309Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Administrative guidance is a sort of administrative management measures that is a newer and more important administrative law. It is based on legal regulation",social standard"is its humanity spirits, and behavior relationship between government and citizen has been made a new relaition of service and cooperation .So a sense of administrative democracy and administrative law is fully expressed out. It differs from traditional order and compulsory administrative action . It is becoming more important in administraitive management and administrative jurisprudent .A rearch of the administrative guidance must be the most important in modern countries administrative legal system construction.The article will deeply explicate its natue,the relationship between administrative guidance and anministrative according to law ,finally author will discuss how to regulate administrative guidance behavior .The text is made of five sections : the first section is preface , the purpose, feasibility and the writer's view is illustrated in this part ;The second section is the basic theory of administrative guidence's legalization,in this part author will discuss the nature of administrative guidance ,another problem is the relationship between administrative guidence and the theory of administraion according to law . In the third part,...
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative guidance, ruling by law, adminstration according to law
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