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On The Administrative Public Interest Litigation

Posted on:2006-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, the anther discusses about the meaning of public interest litigation. The sources of the phrase originate from roman law. It developed in the continental law system and common. There are many problems in the administrative litigation system in china, such as limited scope of accepting cases and the harsh conditions of litigation in judicial practice, which are contradictory to modern principle of the rule of law. In order to solve these problems, china must carry out fundamental reform on its administrative system, including establishing and improving the system of administrative public interest litigation. There are numerous reasons for why the Chinese court reform is fluctuating in hallow water district all along, but the basic reason lies in the defects on system design. The court management system, which is now implementing in our country, comparing with other countries, is unique in the sense of modern law. This kind of management system has three drawbacks: first, the judicial powers are localized. Second, the management inside the courts runs with administrative measures. Third, the judges are professionalized.After orienting the clear target of the court's reform, in operating lay, scientific tactics and methods should be used, and concrete measure should be adopted to deepen court's management system reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative public interest litigation, Administrative litigation, The administrative of justice relieving
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