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Chinese Communist Party Supervision System Construction Research

Posted on:2006-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A W YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360155474600Subject:Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
the essence of the inner party supervision is that the party drive from the benefit of the people and self-binding and self-perfecting according to the demand of administering the party with strict discipline. Administering the party with strict discipline from the bottom is that the party member and officials in all grades should strictly base their activities according to the regulation and the principles of the party.The history of the inner party supervision indicates that in order to carry out the principle of administering the party with strict discipline, strengthen the supervision, we must have a scientific and precise regulation. The feasibility and bind force of the regulation is the key to the direction and goals of the practice of inner party supervision, which decide the quality and effect of the practice. From the first day of Chinese communist party, we show respect for the discipline and supervision practice. From the first meeting to the fifth, the regulation get stronger. Whereas from the sixth, deterioration happens as the situation changed. After the Cultural Revolution the supervision resumed in the 11th meeting, developed from the succession meetings and formed a systematic, authoritative, and characterized principle of inner party supervisionHowever the inner party supervision regulation still has deficient, such as the independence is not enough, the system is not integral, the procedure regulation is not perfect the function is not in all aspects the overall cooperation is not enough and so on. Confronting this, we must make the inner party supervision system more soundly and perfect.We can classify the system into two parts: specific supervision regulation and non-specific supervision regulation.Strengthen the specific regulation including make the lead supervision system sounder, establish a regulation of impeachment, democratic inspection and democratic inquiry. Strengthen the non-specific regulation i.e. the democratic regulation including perfect the representative system and the voting system of the party, make the democratic rights regulation and the organizing and enforcing system sounder.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese communist party, inner party supervision, regulation, construction
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