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Review Of The Ming Dynasty To Monitor The System

Posted on:2005-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J WangFull Text:PDF
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Being part of the precious treasure of the Chinese historical cultural heritage, the feudal supervision system of China made its way in the past twenty centuries and, after being studied, explored, realized, consummated by the rulers in the dynasties, it gradually came into being a set of very rigorous functioning and administrating mechanism.The supervision system of Ming Dynasty played an important role in the feudal law enforcement system. Its fundamental task was to maintain the absolutism controlling of the country by the royal group. Meanwhile, the supervision legislation of the dynasty was also the product of Ming Dynasty - the particular time period when the ancient supervision law of China had been undertaken the development to - which shared a very strong successive relation with the traditional supervision laws.The primary characteristics of the Ming supervision law fall into two aspect. On the one hand, it was the most self-contained supervision law of all its kind along the history and had put all the government officials -including the supervision officials themselves under the management of the law. On the other hand, the Ming supervision system had it great impact on the various parts of the Ming society including politics, economy, military, culture, education, custom and traditions, etc. How did the Ming supervision system fulfill its basic tasks? How did it manage to realize the supervision assignment in the particular historical background of Ming Dynasty? What kinds of experiences and lessonscould we learn from it? This article will try to focus on the answers of the above questions.In the opinion of the writer, in order to implement the well-ordered efficient supervision, the following measures must be taken accordingly: A scientific and sound supervision mechanism must be setup. The vertical administration mode must be adopted and enhanced by the supervision departments. And the relatively self-governed status should also be reached as well. Power should be made as a shield to enhance the authority of the supervisor and the restriction to the supervisee, providing the law guarantee for the supervisor to exert their power. The supervision mode must be diversified with various channels, such as the mode of passive post-supervision, active pre-supervision and tracking supervision all along, as the traditional supervision mode with restriction to just accept the impeachment is not effective. Supervisor must be selected by the qualified and the strict procedure, ensuring that higher requirement and restriction have been focused on the moral, history, knowledge and profession of the person who want to be a supervisor. Supervision law responsibility and evaluation system should be established by strengthening the self-construction of supervision organs to prevent supervisor from power abuse and supervision negligence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynasty
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