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Theoretical Analysis Of Urban Residential Development Investment Location Choice

Posted on:2004-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360122475893Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article makes some nominative analysis towards location choice of urban housing investment. The whole article can be divided into five parts: the first part is an introduction of the intention, the relative background and the structures; the second part is about the urban space form and the level of urban development; the third part is on the model of utilization of land and the location choice of housing; the forth part is about the development of urban space and the location choice; the last part is about eternal effect choice, public policies and location choice.In the main part of this article, I firstly introduce the urban space form and the development stage, which is the background of the next chapters. Then I talk about the location model of the urban land utilization in condition of the complete competitive and non-eternal effect, which is the basic theory model. Based on this analysis, combining the two urban development stages of suburban and innovation, I disclose relations between the form of urban space development and the location choice of housing investment. At last I investigate the effect to location choice influenced by the eternal effect and the public policies. This article emphasizes on theory analysis, and based on it does some positive analysis to several real problems.At the same time, the paper points out the contained implications of policies on the base of analyzing the theory model. The article mainly analyzes the micro-economic and macro-economic phenomenon. Therefore, we mainly take the analysis by the tools like microeconomics, real estate economics and urban economics. The intention of this article is fist to reconstruct the residential location theory from the angle of housing development investment, and second to provide some suggestions to location choice on the base of theory analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban, housing, investment, location
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