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China's Paper Market Operation Mechanism

Posted on:2004-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360095962995Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the development of the country financial system reform, especial after entering into the WTO, the financial products become abundant. As the important part of the financial market the bill market grows fast.How can we comprehend today's China bill market? How could a commercial bank enter the market and keep the advantage in the development? How can companies, banks and the central bank face to and prepare for the future?This article tries to answer the above questions based on the historical point of view, analysis of practice experience of different angles, then draw the conclusions. The content is divided into five parts, separately named as " Exordium, Main composition of the bill market's business, The analysis of the bill market's organization and operation mode, The profit and marketing analysis for commercial banks in the marker, The problems and the direction of the market's development".In part of Exordium, the writer introduces the actuality and the basic frame of the bill market, describes the necessary of the marker study, points out the way the writer research mentioned and the main question discussed in the article.In the part of Main composition of the bill market's business, the writer particular describes the conceptions, characters and the method and using field of different tools and products, gives the suggestions on the rediscount market.In the part of The analysis of the bill market's organization and operation mode, the writer compares different market operation mode, points out the essential parts of set a effective organization, and than present a reasonable mode for building and running a bill department of a bank.In the part of The profit and marketing analysis for commercial banks in the marker, the writer focuses on the product profit, risk control, springing up and new product creativity.In the part of The problems and the direction of the market's development, the writer summarizes the important problems which hold back the development of the bill market and makes some description of the market's future.The bill market in china today is in the ascendant. The influence on a perfect economic and creditable society will be further than today. For the limit of the writer's level, I sincerely wait for the instruction and suggestion from people.
Keywords/Search Tags:China', s
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