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Securities Issuer Financial Information Disclosed In Its Regulatory Research

Posted on:2004-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation presents a system study on the publishing system of the financial information of the corporations that distribute securities. The publishing system is critical between life and death to securities market. However, the disorder publishing runs rampant now. The situation is getting better and better. In order to settle the problem, and optimize the publishing system the author makes a thorough exposition on it in the aspects of basic concepts, functions and value, forms of disorder conduct, reasons why the disorder conducts arise together with the suggestions with the approaches of logical reasoning and the marriage of the theories and practice, while uses the experience of other countries for references.The first part discusses these concepts"information","finanical information" and "publishing information" that be hi security law one by one, and forms the basic concept "publishing financial information" of the dissertation. Then, expounds the functions that safeguard the investor, restrain the corporations that distribute securities, is advantageous to raising funds by corporations as well as go a long way hi taking charge of the security market and expounds the roue's justice and efficiency. The second part makes an exposition on the following three sections. The first section discusses forms of the disorder conduct, misstatement specially. The second sectiondraws the standard that publish sufficiently, timely and valuably to judge the disorder conduct. The last section discovers the reasons why the disorder conducts occur. The reasons are that some corporations publish security to cheat investors out of their money, investors is short of the consciousness about right, there is some detect in the publishing system and supervision system, as well as civil action law cant settle the problem thoroughly, though <<.9 rule>> is beneficial to make up for the lost of action regulations. The last part puts forward the measures to consummating the supervision system. The author holds that efficacious subject of supply and demand of the financial information, is molded; the relevant regulation must be reformed to lessen the motive of disorder conduct; system of accounting and audit must be consummated, the rule of civil action too; the supervision of government must be strengthened.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information
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