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Legal Regulation Of Administrative Power And Social Studies

Posted on:2004-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360095456309Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The socialization of administrative power is an inevitable result of the development of current civil society. The incidental factors include the departure of state power and social power, the diversion of power from state to society, and finally the exit of state administrative power from social aspect which may lead to the more and more non-government orgnizations' taking management powerfor public fairs. Thus, the regulation of the public managementpower, which comes from the socialization of administrative power,is both the starting point and destination of current administrative law, regardlessly the control of this management power by government organizations or non-government organizations.With the socialization of the administrative power, more and more non-government public management organizations appear and play an increasingly important role in public management. As a result, contemporary public management is making a way to an exoteric socialization and diversification. On view of the administrative law, the emerging of non-government public management organizations implies the diversification of public management subjects. However, this diversification of subjects doesnot rejigger the fact that these non-government public m-non-government public management organizations execute public power. All public power tend to dissimilation and these non-government public management organizations do have their own intrinsic shortcomings. Therefore, the legal regulation for the socialization of administrative power is no doubt necessary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative
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