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Inner Mongolia Tendering Co., Ltd. Development Strategy

Posted on:2003-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360092980521Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China Tender Organ is being the key period of double track-change for system pattern and development pattern. Under this background, There has a debate for the development strategy of inner Mongolia Tendering Co. Ltd, in this articles.Firstly, the articles analyzes the internal characteristics and development tendency of China Tender Business in articles Based on this, fully evaluating the laws and regulations system of Tender and Bids, western development strategy, strategy of Autonomous "promote region through industrial" and entering into WTO etc. This entire external environment brings the opportunities and challenges for Inner Mongolia Tendering Co. Ltd. In view of the competitive situations , Inner Mongolia Tender Co. Ltd. Will be faced now and future.Deeply analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of Inner Mongolia Tendering Co. Ltd. Based on the above analysis, we pushed forward a strategic target which are planning to develop Inner Mongolia Tendering Co.Ltd. into largest comprehensive professional Tender Organ, The key point assistance with strategic target is (1) speeding up the system innovation and concept renovation (2) Based on machinery & electric tender (3) paying special attention to invest the project tender and develop new economic growth point. In order to realize the above strategic target, the articles design and descript on human resources management, market development, service extension electric bidding, merging & procurement and union etc strategy step.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tendering, Tendering Co., Encironmont Analyse, development Strategy, strategy step
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