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Accession To The Wto, China's Shipping Legislation

Posted on:2002-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360092481585Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a great maritime country. She has 180,000 Km of coast line, 110,OOOKm of inland waterway, 5,000 of shipping enterprises and 280,000 tons of cargoes transport capacity. About 97 percent of the foreign trade cargoes and 50 percent of the domestic trade cargoes are transmitted by the waterway. The total transport amount of China is about 1.2 billion tons. As the developing of the economy and foreign trade in the future, along with the carrying out of the developing the west region strategy, the shipping industry will take more important role in the economy of our country.The shipping market of China has great development potentiality. Many foreign shipping companies are looks optimistic to this market and want to take part in to the market competition. China is still a developing country. The productive forces are not so strong. The shipping management and the shipping services quality need to be improved too. Some of aspect, such as, the shipping legislation, shipping management system, shipping management mode, the water transport infrastructure, the vessel's capacity, the competition ability of the Chinese shipping operators, have a large lags behind in the developed shipping countries. There are many things has to be considered. Especially, the history of the socialistic market economy is much shorter than this of the old capitalistic countries. The management methods are still the old one of the planning economy system. Some of the enterprises have not become the subjective bodies of the market. They rely on the favorable policies and the protection of the country.China has completed the total procedure of entrance into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and become one member of the organizations.As we know, China become the member of WTO is benefit to not only China but also to the other members of the organization. Except has to be fit to the WTO rules, play a important role in the world trade, China would have face for stern challenge in the future. The government must play very important role while the country join to the WTO. The keys of improving the shipping industry of our country is to change the function of the government, to take the reforming in the shipping structure, to modifying the shipping regulator system, to guide the whole shipping industry, in order to carry forward of our advantage, and recover our shortage, to fit for the future situation.Shipping legislation is one of the main work of the government. It is also the foundation for giving a effective management. Since the liberation of the P.R. China, we have set up serial shipping laws and rules, and modified these laws and rules in the practice. Because the economy of our country has developed to a new level, the socialistic marketing system has been set up, the reforming and opening of the country has gone deeply, some of our shipping laws and rules have been not suit to the management demanding. There are some gaps of the rules. It has become the emergency work of the government to enforce shipping legislation.The government could manage and supervise the industry by the means of policy,information, economical, and legal methods. Policy and laws are used much wide and normally. One of the objects of the shipping management is to set up a successful legal system that could meet the demand of the marketing economic, fit to the characteristic of the shipping industry. There are more than ten of the shipping laws and rules in our country, they has made up a basic legal system today. But it is not enough for the new demand after China entry to the WTO, or for the demand of the shipping industry management, or for the need of the social market system. Some of the laws and rules are out of date. Specially, some of the heading laws has not been made out.After this period of studying, I have got the knowledge of the development of the shipping industry in our country, discussed the main shipping policies and regulations. I want to use this opportunity, to discuss the relation between the shipping law system of...
Keywords/Search Tags:shipping, law, WTO, thesis
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