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Trading System Of Collective Land Use Study

Posted on:2003-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360065455874Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese transaction system of the right to use collective land regulates the behavior of transaction. The system is on the basis of public ownership. The right transaction includes establishing transaction and circulating transaction. It is necessary to research system choice, arrangement and innovation in the article. Land resources are scarce and systems about allocating land resources are scarce too. Particularly it's difficult to supply perfect transaction system of the right to use collective land of China. Although the system has been established and won initial success, it doesn't indicate the significance of separation of two rights. In view of reviewing the process of change, it's clear that the direction of system change was impelling subject pluralist and making property rights diversify and system was provided by the state.Making an analysis of the present situation of the transaction of the right to use collection land takes further steps to prove the necessarity of innovation and perfection of the system. Present system arrangement hardly meets the needs of transaction - distinct property rights. There are some factors to restrict smooth transaction, such as vague implication of property rights. In the process of system innovation, the problem of making property rights clear must be solved firstly. Through researching the behavior of holding concurrent posts of peasant in countryside, the conclusion of giving them long-term right to use land can be obtained. It'll be effective to encourage long-term investment of agriculture and use land resources. With the growth of society, backward situation of agriculture demands to relieve the restriction ofresources and expand management scale. Especially after acceding to the WTO , peasants' management of small scale hardly fits in with the needs of big market. Thus, it's essential to regulate the formation and development of management scale of agriculture by providing complete systems. Improving the transaction system of the right to use collective land should be the foundation of system construction. It's stated clearly that making building land enter market is the general trend and popular feeling and making behavior of transaction of right to use building land standard is effective to allocate land resources through analyzing situation of experimental unit of collective building land in Wuhu, Anhui Province.Though system has private nature, learning from foreign countries and drawing on their experience can point the way of system innovation. Through analyzing systems of land property rights of other countries or areas , it's known that perfecting transaction system of right to use collective land can't be accomplished in one move. Copying the models without distinction is not practicable.In this article, two aims are designed about innovation of transaction system of the right to use collective land, to realize sustained development of land resources and agriculture and to improve living situation of peasants and level of common development of city and countryside. Choice the aims are based on coordination of long-term interest and immediate interest, overall interest and partial interest. In the article, several proposals are put forward. First, state should rebuild structure of right of collective land. Mainly, state should adhere to collective ownership and make clear ownership subjects. And the rightconcept of the right to use collective land should be set in the legal system. Second, state should set the rules of transaction system definitely and build standard and free market of property rights to make the use of land resources effectively. And state should intervene the market of transaction of the right to use collective land suitably, to create universal law and to perfect regulatory regime of land. The effect of system implement should be restricted by outside system environment. So it's important to perfect related systems to fit transaction system of the right to use collective land. Coordination among systems will lower the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Collective
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