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Mortgage-backed Securities

Posted on:2003-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360062980586Subject:International finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate Industm an important Industry In national econom又Is a focal pci血 offinanclal development for evep country In theuture.Owingto havingthe operatingadvantages ofcaPltal dlversl也resources dlstrlb成ion m毗eting,operating speclallzatlon andfinancial Innovatlo几 real estate securltizatlon Is one of the mostsuccessful tools offinanclal Innovation Inthls cefltury. In this artwte,I,on the basis of the concept,roles and mainforms ofreal estate securltlzatlon,emphatically Introduce,study anddraw lessons from the characteristics and experience of*theencedeveboed countries and areas In the ield of real eatatesecurltlzatlon as well as residential mortgage securltlzatlon.withconsideration of China's basic situation,present situation andperspective of*thective housing credit loan and actual condlQon ofnnanclal Institutions and so on,1山11y demonstrate the urgenc又necessity teaslblllty and slgflltlcace of practising residentialmortgage securltlzatlon In our country.Because practisingresidential mortgage securltlzatlon can notonly expandthe domesticma水etdemands andpromotethe rapid Increase ofnatlonal econom又but also decentralize the operation risks of financial Institutions,extendthe inance and Investmentchannels,malntalnfinanclaloperation stable,enrich the financial variety improve markets andmeetthe needs ofinvestors.Meanwhllelput fo仰ardthe assumptionof securltlzatlon models and operation tools,and urther ana*e them刃or obstades and risks,directly probe Into the opportunities andcountermeasures ofpractlcingthe resldefltlal mortgage securltlsatlonIn our country. Since China'S皿O e呵 the rules andregulations In all ieldswill conform to Wse ofotherWO couMles.In a standw,perfectand mature market,the author believes that with the combinaton ofthe advancedhits whlchh叫e beenproved by otherdevelopedcountries and actual conditions of China the real estate securltlzatlonw!11 be crowned with success,and make a greater contrmetlon to thedevelopmefltofrealestate Industryandnatlonal economyofourcountry....
Keywords/Search Tags:Mortgage-backed
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