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Reconstruction On The Corporate Strategy Of Restructuring And Corporate Culture

Posted on:2003-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360062950186Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the progress of economic globalization, developed countries are adjusting their industrial structure and transferring industry to developing countries. Meanwhile, deep going changes have arisen in macroeconomic. These factors have bought severe challenges to our corporations, which prompt them to be reorganized strategically to adapt to stronger completion and strengthen competitive ability in national and international markets.However, the cornerstone successful reorganizations are the weld memorizations of corporation culture. The reorganization lies in, (more importantly and more deeply), reconstructation and intergradations of CC, other than better adjustment and attribution on sources such as human, technology, capital, product and market.When rearguard, most of Corporations have no awareness of cultural difference and impedance of cultured integration. In practice, there are many unsuccessful examples attributing to weak reconstruction of CC.In this thesis, the author details on importance, problems, hindrance, conmion discipline and steps of reconstruction of CC. From the two dimensions of quality and intensity of CC, it is divided into four kinds: good and strong, good and slight, poor and strong and poor and slight. Basing on analyses of reconstructed form of CC, the author provides four reconstructed models, expecting to be applied in practice to prompt the strategically reorganization of our corporations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategically Reorganization, Reconstruction Model
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