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Civil Action Research

Posted on:2002-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032956869Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Crime handled only with complaint, contrast to crime handled even wi thout coniplai ut, is classified according to prosecution condition in criminal law of continental law system. The law about this kind of crime is very valuable, but the contemporary law about this kind of crime in our legislation covers too narrowly because our legislation is limited by the absolute private prosecution system. Our legislation should increase this kind of crime,so it is necessary to get out of the contemeperary legislation, to enact the law of crime handed only with comlaint that could be publicly prosecuted and to build up a new synthetical legislation model.The paper consists of four parts: At part 1, the author analyse the feature of the crime handled only with complaint, then combining the criminal law of the countries belonging to continental law system, the author compare the legislation and point out the advantage and shortcozning.At part 2, combining the fundmental theory of criminal law , the author discuss the relation of crime handled only with complaint and several categories of criminal law.At part 3, combining judical practise, the author discuss the way to deal with the usual problern.At the last part, the author point out the way to perfect our legislation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Research
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