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The Problems In The Course Of Financial Asset Management Companies And Research

Posted on:2002-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032954913Subject:Agricultural economics and management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is focused on questions during the operation and management processing of Assets Management Corporation (AMC) in China. It aims at theory features, value and condition of AMC to give theoretical consults for the operation and management of AMC in China. Several important theory features are analyzed and three cases are given to acquire valued experience firstly and then give a positive analysis on the status quo of AMC of China, several questions that exist in operation and management processing and its possible reasons are deeply analyzed. As a conclusion relevant policy suggestions are given. The research shows that the value of the AMC pattern is widely supported by the experiences of other countries. However, AMC of China is facing a lot of difficulties and challenges: (1) the harmony of its aims is still in difficulty; (2) its moral hazard is serious; (3) its capabilities of operation and management is inadequate; (4) Abnormal assets disposition is full of difficulties. The factors that caused these questions are that: (1) the unilateral understanding on the characters of AMC; (2) the property right structure of AMC lies in some limitations; (3) the professional person with ability is inadequate; (4) Capital Market of China lags behind; (5) Law and policy system in China is imperfect. To perfect the operation and management of Chinese AMC, the following policies are necessary: 1. definite the aims and perfect the property right structure of AMC; 2. perfect relevant measures of law and policy; 3. develop human resource and strengthen operational innovation; 4. improve Capital market and wide the channel to exit.
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