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On The Limited Legal Protection Of Minority Shareholders' Interests

Posted on:2002-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032456814Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AbstredTbM ofjwhor pe, rights and intwt m trivereally in modemjoin M cOtntwes, wially in Chjna So an W taSk is to WSh acOmPete and effident legal Sywt to PIDbo the rights and be of ~orpthe in join StOCk cwtes, Which will be bo diSCUSSed in the main text,and also some ~ sokitions are outlined for rebo.The theSs consists of 5 Pnd as befow aCCOthe tO my coNing cfue. TheIhat Part is tO elbe the geneIa ~ in the PIDtection ofjedor pndere,defor som key conmp of thejed pe rights and bo, etC and daSSfyshareholdere, be. The SeCOnd Part is to analyz the ledons of the PreSenlegal PIDedon pe; ofjtrior sharehokler rights in PRC, tO which debo ofW W of N as a legal PeISon, laCldn of shablity of law OfcOtnPan and laCkin ofefficien outside SUtwSion are be The tri Partis tO discuss the Ptactical significance of the our legh Proedon Sywt forjtrior pnd rights and be to Ynaintain comPany SySteIn hablitycootwon and ap deVlopmen. The fodri pe is to deScribe the historyeVolutio and anabo the thcorecal fbundati thereof The former iS descnbohere Under in W Phases, ngctivly establifor of ',maOrity rule,,,"Mle doctrin 94,, and tl e~ of shareholdere nile". The latter isrewtvely balance of rights and poweIS, wt of bo and ~ ofProfichlity The ffo Pat is to outlin som PtDpe sofutions fOr the ourlegal proedon SyStern ofwior ~ rights and interests in ~ of debothereOf and in ligh of advantal forebo StatUtw experience. The sofutionsinchid tw the Hent SyStern of H as a legal W,thegthenin wiing Sywt and regulating ed twsion. And this Partis, in my opAnon, where the Inain aiIn is conCentw on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shareholders'
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