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War And Peace In Thinking Of Deng Xiaoping Study

Posted on:2002-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032451937Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When the peace and development become this era抯 theme, based on scientific theory of Marxist classic author, drawing on the experience of the international communist movement over the past hundred years, Deng Xiaoping抯 thought about war and peace take shape. This essay examines its background and main contents from the angle of its carrying on and developing Marxism on war and peace. This contains three parts: Part one is the premise to brief Deng Xiaoping抯 thought about war and peace. Using the class analysis method, Marxist classic authors systematically expound the origin, essence, and nature of modern war. Marx and Engles preliminarily explore the peacefiul possibility of revolution development on the question of how to take over power for the proletariat. Lenin put forth the peaceful coexistence idea after the proletariat took over the power. Part two is to present the experience basis and the era抯 background of this thought. During the cold war, former Soviet Union accumulated valuable experience and learned grievous lessons from Stalin, khrushchev, Brezhnev to Gorbachev when dealing with the question of war and peace. When new China founded, our party is clear about this question, but when the international situation became complicated, our party changed its correct idea and had great faults. Deng Xiaoping systematically thought about the new changes of the international situation since the end of 1970s, and set forth the peace and development as this era抯 theme, and systematically expound dialectical correlation between peace and development. Part three comprehensively briefs Deng Xiaoping抯 new expositions about war and peace. In the new conditions, put forth the new train of thought in judging the war and peace抯 situation, the origins of modern war, the analysis of the force to safeguard peace, and peaceful solvent of international conflict. Deng Xiaoping抯 thought about war and peace promulgates the basic law correctly dealing with war and peace when the peace and development become this era抯 theme. It is the inheriting and persevering of Marxist basic principles, and the creative development of Marxism combining with the new facts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thinking
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