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On The Socialist Market Economy Under The Conditions Of The Common Ideal

Posted on:2002-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W R XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032451908Subject:Scientific socialism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ideal is an important problem, and it is serious and realistic to foster common ideals under the circumstance of socialist market economy. The paper tells about the experiences and lessons on ideal of past eighty years of our party, portrays the challenges what the ideals are faced with , describes the realistic conditions that foster common ideals under the circumstance of socialist market economy, and discusses that fostering common ideals is the basic objective of socialist ideological and ethical progress. The paper consists of preface and four parts. The preface introduces concept of ideal, and tells the differences among personal ideal, social ideal and communist ideal. The first part bases on opinions of Marx , Engels, Maozedong and Dengxiaoping. It sums up our party抯 experiences and lessons on ideal through reviewing some historical events. The second part describes our country抯 present condition on ideal from international and internal aspects. On one hand, it stresses the puzzle on communist ideal that brought by science and technology, the Soviet抯 disintegration and Eastern Europe抯 drastic change. On the other hand, it portrays three reasons of ideal variety: the profit patterns led by socialist market economy, the assault from foreign political and ideological culture, and the undesirable phenomenon in society. The third part says that the people of all nationalities in our country hold the same economic interest, political base and ideological culture, and proves that we can foster common ideals under the circumstance of socialist market economy. The last part discusses that fostering common ideals is the basic objective of socialist ideological and ethical progress. This part elucidates the significance of fostering common ideals to socialist ideological and ethical progress, and then considers carefully how to foster common ideals. Finally, it puts forward some new views.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conditions
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