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The Target Mode Of China's Socialist Democratic Politics And The Ways To Achieve

Posted on:2002-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032451075Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Socia1ist democracy is different from bourgeois democracy in essence.It is the most high-ranking democracy in the hunan history. The democracy of ourcountry has been explored for one hundred years. Step by step, it has become thepo1itics of socia1ist democracy which possesses Chinese characteristic. Thesocia1ist democracy fully reflects the superiority of socialism. But atpresent, it still appears insufficient and unripe. According to ana1yzingabove-mentioned, this thesis establishes a whole fu11-view goal forthe politics of socia1ist democracy: In the system, it'll appear popularwill: in the value, it'll pursue rule of law: in the procedure, it'llfollow constitutionalism: in the environment, it'll create open politics. Theauthor selects the four aspects which make up an intact model of ideal goal.In order to realize these systems engineering, this thesis designs boldly fromthree aspects--fully developing socialist market economy, deepening politicalsystem reform and transforming the civil idea, Which aims to provide to achievea practical and feasible way.
Keywords/Search Tags:China', s
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