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The Status Of The Consulting Industry In China Analysis And Development Strategies,

Posted on:2001-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002452968Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The consulting & information industry of our country will have great chance as well as severe test along with the progress of economic globalization and integration of trade, especially that China is going to enter into WTO China Economic & Trade Consultants Corporation (CONSULTEC) is the first state-owned consulting & information enterprise set up in China, and one of the largest in scale The foundation of the company shows how importance of the development for consulting industry that the government concerned CONSULTEC would have had a great future However, owing to the binding force from traditional administration system and limitation on operation mode, the company found itself caused into trouble of management confusion and heavy debt, which hindered it's development in a positive way It's the key point for us to think about: how to make the company get rid of its trouble and strengthen the competition ability? It's also the prerequisite for an enterprise to rescue and develop Meanwhile, the thorough analysis of its experience is important in a certain degree for reference on development problems of consulting & information industry of our country By studying the case of CONSULTEC, this article is going to analyse the present situation and prospect of consulting industry in China and search for a proper way of development for CONSULTEC There are four sections in this article In section one, we will discuss the relationship between the development of consulting & information industry and knowledge economy In modern social economy, intelligence becomes the most important factor among production elements It will play a leading role in social economic formation in 21st century So, the service and products provided by consulting & information industry should integrate with the character of knowledge economy1 Knowledge and information are resources, which can enjoy each other in common with the property of self-expanding and renewing2 With characters of quick in response and flexibility, they are different from one area or a certain kind of industry They can easily break limits and flow to demand market3 It's the content of intelligence instead of raw materials and production cost to determine the value of a commodity or service Selling limitation depends on supply of information instead of marketing4 Knowledge and information have strong character of timeliness and objectiveness They are great different in value to different people at different time5 Human resources is the most important operation factor in knowledge economy The input and management of human resources plays an important role in improving the competition ability of an enterprise on market In section two we will discuss the present situation and new development trend of consulting industry in our country Many consulting companies compete in this big market The major problem of present situation is that supply can not match the demand of market On the other hand, consulting in China is a rising industry and vigorous It will boom in soon future Network, integration and specialization is the trend for the development of the industry First, present world is an open world The development of a country can't separate from the world, can't separate from the exchange of knowledge and experience Second, entering WTO will strengthen the power of reform on management system of consulting industry of our country, and give more pressure as well At last, after entry into WTO, foreign consulting enterprises will crowd into Chinese market with all efforts It's the motive force and great challenge as well for local consulting enterprises 1 It has advantage of promoting the idea renewal and improving the service quality of local enterprises It's helpful for us to explore a Chinese characterized, standardized way of development for local industries 2 Domestic consulting industry has to face the challenge of severe market competition from foreign companies 3 It will also face the challenge on founda...
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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