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Farm Vehicles. "river Road" Marketing Development Strategy Research

Posted on:2001-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K C LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002451668Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rural vehicle market in China is developing rapidly. In the past 20 years, the owned quantum has reached 17 million. Through researching the development of rural vehicle market in the country, analyzing and comparing the marketing position of Chuanlu rural vehicle, this article attempts to find out the gap and weak point of Chuanlu in marketing to know the problem and mend it in the future work. So this article is a five-year marketing strategic plan of Chuanlu rural vehicle. The paper include five parts and the contents are as follows. The first part, it pithily introduce the history of the factory which produces this brand's rural vehicle (Sichuan Road Machinery Works) and its serial products. Recently, this factory has been a venture of share-cooperation system with advanced modern admi- nistration mechanism. The second part, in order to know the position of Chuanlu rural vehicel, the article describes in detail and analyzes the whole rural vehicle market in the country and compares with the position of Chuanlu. In this part,the development of whole market in the country is divided into three stages.The first stage is the beginning period of rural vehicle from 1980 to 1986, the second stage is the super-speed growth period from 1987 to 1995, and the third stage is the stable period from 1995. In the third stage ,the phenomenon of supply over demand appeared and the market competition became more and more swinging. The competition of brand, service and quality will come one by one. In the analysis of rural vehicle market , the paper analizes in detail the purchasing power, purchasing psychology and purchasing purpose of customers from demand position and general target market position. Through subdividing the market, the fitting targeted market of rural vehicle is found: The farmers average income per year increases from 7500 Yuan to 12500 Yuan and main income comes from crops planting and family industry. Their home is far from their county city 20 to 30 kilometers or they live in the mountainous regions. They purchase the rural vehicle to transport goods professionally or for self-use. So it analyzed the regional target market farther, the directive opinions for entering the regional markets was given to the manufacture. In analyzing the market position of Chuanlu rural vehicle, the article pointed out that the design idea of Chuanlu rural vehicle is satisfied to the demands of use on the countryside road at the beginning: The vehicles are used especially in building and maintainning road and run on the area of riverside and gravel road etc. So the growth rate of Chuanlu rural vehicle over the average level is 29% in the second stage and the rate reached 33%. Meanwhile, through comparing the data of sales distribution and sales net distribution between Chuanlu and the others in the country. We can reach the following conclusion: 1. The sales quantum of Chuanlu is too small; the marketing stratagem in the other regions has misplay except in Southwest. 2. The sales of flat-head model is no more than 20, comparing with national averange, the miss distance is very large. The flat-head quantum of whole country is 355149 which amount to 83.64%; 3.No publicity plan and poor publicity. 4. Scarce ability of the sales personnel. At the same time, Chuanlu has the advantage in mechanism after reform; From 1998 to 1999, Chuanlu gained better interest through strengthening administeration; the total cost per vehicle reduced 2300 Yuan, devoted 1904 Yuan to per customer. The factory has recieved gain in maintaining the share of market , exploring the new market and resisting the competitions.In the third part, combined with the analysis and comparing with the second part, the opportunity and problem of Chuanlu have been found. 1.Macroscopically, it stands a vantage ground. The enterprise should use the opportunity that the government enlarges the investment of basic facility and explores the west and middle area to explore the market and expand. That the government standardizes the rur...
Keywords/Search Tags:", river
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