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The Protection And Perfection Of Criminal Law In Women 's Sexual Rights In China

Posted on:2017-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Women’s sexual rights is citizen’s basic human rights for women. The existing criminal law about the protection of women’s rights, there are some defects is difficult to play a protective effect. Such as in recent years, our country in violation of sexual rights crime has increased trend of the girls. In such cases, reflects the criminal beast, moral decay at the same time, also reflects China’s criminal law on infringement to the lack of women’s rights protection, prevention of female sexual rights infringement behavior person lack of discipline and so on. Therefore, the research on women’s rights protection in China’s criminal law legislation has important practical significance.In this paper, the problem is studied. In this paper, the first chapter explores the basic issues of women’s rights protection in China. About sex, sexual rights, women, and women’s rights definition made these words, and the law of the protection on women’s rights in our country in this paper. The second chapter explores the for women’s rights protection in China’s criminal law legislation present situation, the current our country criminal law on women’s rights protection situation, the related charges are divided into clear protected and hidden protection are analyzed, two types of charges shows the specific status of female sexual rights protection in the current criminal law. The third chapter explores the for women’s rights protection in China’s advantages and defects existing in the legislation of criminal law. First of all, analyses the compulsory indecent assault, the crime of trafficking, buying abducted and sold women and the crime of forced prostitution, seduce female prostitution is sufficient for women’s rights protection in China. Secondly, it is pointed out that China’s criminal law for girls and women mental patient sexual rights protection was flawed, not to have special status relationship with girls special regulation violation of sexual rights situation of the girls, to the provisions of the female mental illness of human happiness right arisen problems; Suggest that criminal law should be to have special status relationship with girls special regulation violation of sexual rights situation of the girls, reserved for the female mental patients must limit the exercise of the right to sexual pleasure, add about sexual rights are violated women victims have the right to obtain the rules of the mental damage compensation.
Keywords/Search Tags:women, Sexual rights, Rights protection, Criminal law legislation
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