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On The Legal Regulation Of Pre - Paid Consumption

Posted on:2016-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, prepayment of loan has developed rapidly in our country, which infiltrates every trade of life services and attracts favors of both consumers and proprietors. For consumers, it can offer them all kinds of preferential measures, prevent troubles caused by cash transaction and promote transaction efficiency. For proprietors, it can withdraw funds in short time, keep customers and reduce managing risk. Thus, it plays an active role in promoting our country’s market economy. With its extensive use of in consumer market, its consumer groups become bigger and bigger, which leads to the increase of this mode year by year and proprietors’sudden close-down and absconding with funds. These problems seriously infringe consumers’legitimate rights and disturb market order, for there are no specific laws for regulating prepayment of loan and no effective supervision system. This thesis tends to offer feasible proposals for regulating prepayment of loan by law through analyzing its status quo, existing problems and causes, thus promoting its sound and orderly development and defending consumers’legitimate rights at utmost.This thesis mainly consists of four chapters. Chapter one probes backgrounds and significances of regulating prepayment of loan by law, introduces this thesis’ research ideas and methods, innovations and shortcomings. Chapter two analyzes prepayment of loan’s characteristics and legal properties, providing theoretical basis for the deep analysis of it. Chapter three introduces prepayment of loan’s status quo in our country, and analyzes its existing problems and there causes. Chapter four offers corresponding suggestions...
Keywords/Search Tags:prepayment of loan, prepaid card, regulation by law, protecting consumers’ legitimate rights
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