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A Study On The Development Of Socialism In China

Posted on:2016-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330464956931Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of political, economic and social, the drawbacks of representative democracy gradually exposed. In the later part of the 20 th century, a new democratic theory paradigm: Deliberative Democracy and deliberative democracy gradually into people’s vision. Since the 21 st century, our country scholars gradually began to study deliberative democracy, the requirements of the eighteenth National Congress of the party to improve socialist deliberative democracy ", and stressed that" socialist deliberative democracy is an important form of people’s democracy in our country. This is the report of the party, the new summary of socialist deliberative democracy "was put forward for the first time, the subsequent meeting of the Third Plenary Session of the eighth further the position of socialist deliberative democracy" to be clear: "is a unique form of China’s socialist democratic politics and the unique advantages of", "is an important manifestation of the mass line of the party in the political field." Socialist deliberative democracy "and" socialism with Chinese characteristics theory ", its formation, development and evolution must be come down in one continuous line of historical process. Therefore, to clarify the context of the development of socialist democracy and consultation, has important significance to promote the deepening of the theory research and the practice exploration.Exploration of "deliberative democracy" of the process is not the Communist Party Everything is going smoothly. Chinese. From in the early stages of the party to remain independent "attitude to the development and other parties, group cooperation, from" cooperation within the party "to rupture," consultation "ideas such as budding spark in the revolution of the tortuous course of development. During the period of the war of resistance against Japan, the United National all strength to fight against Japan has become a consensus, all the political parties and groups to realize the Anti Japanese national united front has made fruitful efforts. In this process, and has produced a variety of deliberative democracy in the carrier, from the National Defense Council meeting to National Political Council, from the "three thirds system" to the Political Consultative Conference, deliberative democracy in China get full development, at the same time also suffer a setback, but the negotiations the embryonic form of democracy has gradually emerged. Since the war of liberation, the Communist Party of China was a turning point in the history, firmly stood in the side of the people, to continue with the democratic parties and groups, people of all ethnic groups together, ready to "restore Political Consultative Conference", make great efforts to build an independent, free, democratic, the basis of deliberative democracy is expanding, the initial formation of the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, deliberative democracy as a form of democracy basically formed. After the end of the "Cultural Revolution", the deliberative democracy with Chinese characteristics has been further enriched and developed, the Communist Party of China to the Democratic Party by "long-term coexistence and mutual supervision" policy to the development of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity, and sharing weal and woe" policy, thirteen development the idea of social negotiation, the political consultation and social negotiation more theoretical system. The party’s eighteen to negotiate a new generalization of democracy, marking the formal establishment of socialist deliberative democracy.In each historical period, deliberative democracy thought connotation in China is not the same. In the historical practice of the leadership of the Party of the democratic revolution, construction and reform and opening up, with a wealth of historical task of transition and practice experience, the development of deliberative democracy although this process suffered setbacks, but its connotation is always around the central task of the party and the country is unceasingly rich and the development, the development process is linked together. Socialist deliberative democracy is in China’s "growing" accord with a democratic form of China’s national conditions, in practice has been fully consummation and development, is a kind of important form of socialist democracy in China and China’s political system characteristics and advantages. In the process of construction and development of socialist deliberative democracy, should confidently firmly confidence theory, to seek common ground while reserving differences, tolerance and storage of the open attitude, reasonable absorb and draw lessons from the western theory of deliberative democracy excellent part, continue to improve and develop the socialist deliberative democracy theory and system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Socialist, Deliberative Democracy, Development
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