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Food Safety Crime Of Criminal Research

Posted on:2011-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330338983055Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's recent food safety incidents occur frequently, making food safety protection through legal means become necessary. As the final legal barrier to the prevention and punishment of criminal law to play the role of food safety has become a priority crime. Although China's "Food Safety Law" has just developed and put into practice, however, is faced with a serious threat to the health of consumers of food safety and security of life crimes, the current Criminal Law of China has been unable to maximize the safety of food of protection.In judicial practice, the administrative punishment instead of punishment, the method of selective justice perpetrators of criminal punishment still exists in large. To guarantee the effective realization of penalties to punish crime, crime prevention purposes, this article attempts to identify food safety issues of criminal liability, in addition to introduction and conclusion, the paper consists of three chapters.Chapter I describes the crime profile of food safety. By introducing the concept of food security and other relevant connections and differences, based on food safety to the definition of crime, and summed up the nature of the crime of food safety. Finally, legislation on domestic food safety problems exist systems analysis leads to this problem to be solved :that is the use of advanced foreign experience in related fields, put forward a sound response.Chapter II discusses the application of strict liability crimes identified on food safety. The paper discusses the different countries of the strict liability in criminal law De Xiangguanguiding, analysis of the food safety legislation of the lack of criminal liability and the application of strict liability is reasonable, proposed food safety crime in our country can be limited introduction of strict liability.Chapter III discusses the criminal liability of food safety epidemiology Causation. The paper discusses the experience of Japan's public nuisance theory of crime, of the traditional theory of causality is difficult to adapt to social situations brought about by the development of criminal identification of food safety problems, we need to identify food safety problems identified crime causation, causal relationship can be applied to epidemiological theory criminal behavior to identify food safety and the results of the causal relationship between the urge acts much as possible in activities for the sake of public welfare, take preventive measures, so as to achieve to reduce crime, protect the citizens of the health and safety purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food Safety Crime, Strict liability, Epidemiology causality
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