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Marx's Theory Of Alienation Labor

Posted on:2011-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J NiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330338977344Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The so-called "a lienation", is the subject in the development process, because oftheir activities to produce its own antithesis, and then the opposite and as an external,has the power of different turn against their own or control subjects. Marxist pioneersbefore aliena tion from different angles, which are more representative view ofRoussea u's politica l aliena tion. Hegel's concept of spiritual aliena tion, Fuerbaha ofhuma nism and the Hess money Alienation Theory of Alienation. The theory ofaliena tion Marx's theory la id the foundation for the development.Marx believed that aliena tion under private ownership, to the development ofcapitalist society to a vertex. Alienation of people are all bound, ensla ved people, tobelittle the value of people. Marx is the most panties workers by focusing on povertywhile the emerging capitalist aliena tion thinking. In Fuerbaha huma nism on the basisof phenomenology, and gradua lly build its own huma nist phenomenology, history ofservice set up for the starting point of the theory of logic, against all the metaphysica labstraction ontology.In the "Ma nuscript", Marx-depth analysis of capitalist economy "a lienated labor"aliena tion of labor proposed four aspects: 1, the aliena tion of labor products; 2, thealiena tion of labor activities; 3, the aliena tion of human nature; 4 , where aliena tionfrom the people; the aliena tion of labor theory one step closer to existence anddevelopment of human society, issues of socia l history will turn a ma n's most basicproduction practices, the establishment of a new world taking shape.In the "Form" in the content of Marxist work on aliena tion has a new formulation,the product of the aliena tion of workers and labor relations, attributed to the capitalistworld market based on private ownership of the blind forces of the role of theactivities of the workers themselves aliena tion between their hair down to the result ofthe formation of the socia l division of labor, the basic quality of a person's specificscope of activities of immobilized, and he put on with the provisions of aliena tioncomes down to the state in the form of class rule and class struggle, the basic quality isthe dicta torship of the ruling class. In this way, Marx is the starting point to real people ,real people through activities in the emotiona l development of their own to identifyand to expla in the aliena tion is in the human history of the development process ofself-genera ted, is the form of productivity and communication occur, since abandonedthe sense of aliena tion is no longer a philosophica l ontology provid es an abstract, butthe practice of criticism of the revolution.Marx on the aliena tion of labor in the cause of liberation thinking is that peoplenot only to liberate the system from exploitation, and aliena tion from any form ofrestra int of liberation, that is, comprehensive development of human freedom. Peopleput their presence outside their activities have become the object into its own object, "by materia l" is no more, at the same time, also to become the ma in body of theexistence of the phenomenon from the ma in area things are really there for me, thesubject is central, an end in itself, so, of Marx's labor theory of aliena tion, for today'ssocia list construction has important theoretica l and practica l significa nce.
Keywords/Search Tags:aliena tion, aliena ted labor, by material nature, production practices, subjectivity
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