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Administrative Act Under The E-government Research

Posted on:2012-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S X HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330338492781Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Information is the world's economic and social development trend. The rise of e-government and information technology advances and economic and information globalization and the Government Management Reform echoes. Mainly refers to the use of e-government information network technology and other related technical support to the government is more suited to the times of realization of the structure and operation mode. Although the electronic administrative action is not a new administrative act, but a side by side with the traditional administrative methods of administrative activities are not exclusive way, but the adoption of new means, new media and traditional administrative action made by the administration law theory, or administrative action in a significant difference, at the same time, it also brings some of the traditional administrative law can not solve new problems. Traditional government how to deal with development of information technology, how to regulate e-government under the administrative behavior, has become that we can not evade this problem.The first part is the e-government outlined under the administrative action. First, under the administration of the e-government nature of the act, that the e-government administrative action under the administrative action known as e-only is a new way of administrative action, when the administrative body administrative action to implement the use of electronic technology or network technology, electronic administrative action has become a tool or means of implementation, and on this basis under the proposed e-government concept of administrative action, compared the behavior of e-government and administration under the traditional administrative behavior.The second part of the e-government form of administrative action under the changes, including changes in writing, oral changes, changes in the form of action, implied change in the form. Among them, the change is mainly written in the form of electronic documents and data message widely. Changes in oral form by means of technical support primarily to development, such as sound and light transmission through the network function to convey the sound, video mode can also be the person's image and sound and live images simultaneously transmitted to the declaration, told so. Changes in the way action is mainly through high-tech means, such as the extensive application of electronic signals. Implied under the form of e-government also has a virtual and technical.The third part introduces e-government under the main types of administrative action, the main government network analysis of information disclosure act, e-administrative approval, electronic tax act, government e-procurement, e-administrative benefit.Article IV of e-government under the legal validity of administrative acts were analyzed, first analyzes the behavior of e-government in the administration to identify and analyze the behavior of e-government force under the administrative problems.Part V of the article mainly analyzes the e-government administrative acts under the Judicial Review. The popularity of e-administration makes the problem of judicial review related to growing number of hungry in this part of the first analysis of electronic evidence, including the nature of electronic evidence and electronic evidence review to determine, subsequent analysis of the e-government judicial review of administrative action under trial basis problem, the final analysis e Judicial Review under the prescription.Administrative action under the e-government is a new topic, I search through the various efforts found in the academic and administrative law scholars of administrative not a system of e-government administrative action under the theoretical literature, this study is only preliminary and exploratory nature, the article should be improved between immature.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-Government, E-government under, the administrative act administrative act
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