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China's Human Rights Propaganda Strategy Research

Posted on:2012-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330335966617Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the late 1980s and early 1990s,with the international situation and domestic events in China undergoing enormous and profound changes, human rights became a focus concerned by western countries. They unfold an diplomatic offensive against China, which influenced China's national image,put more pressure on China's diplomatic relationship and also wasted precious diploma resources. Thus ,it's extremely urgent to fight for morality and justice by responding western's hegemonism covered by human rights and showing China's real state of human rights to international society . On January of 1991,International Communication Office of CPC was established and a state leader instructed that'human rights questions is unavoidable , we should study it',which marked a systematic publicity strategy on human rights had been set up to respond western's overbearing human rights attack.China's publicity strategy on human rights is composed of strategic goal, strategic principles and strategic implementation. Strategic goal refers to fundamental interests and ultimate intention pursued by the decision-maker ,which is dominate in a strategy . Strategic goal is also the epitome of national interest ,which drives the strategic system operating effectively . The first-line goal of China's publicity strategy on human rights is to create an friendly international environment,and the other goal is to build a good national image of respecting and protecting human rights. At the same time, a strategic goal should be guided by strategic principles. In my opinion, these principles are as follows: the organic unification of political stand and respecting the law of press media, subordinating itself to national general strategy. As for the implementation of publicity strategy on human rights, I think that at least the following aspects should be covered: taking over the banner of human rights,the administration voiced the world authoritatively; consolidating the theoretical foundation and set up systems of human rights words with Chinese Characteristics;creating platforms for publicity of human rights, promoting international communication and corporation of human rights.China's publicity strategy on human rights has been implemented for about 20 years. Over the past years, the real state of China was known by the world,China's efforts to improve people's human rights have been accepted and welcomed by international society,China's values and policies on how to respect and protect human rights have been understood by other countries. However, some western countries which do not really care about Chinese people's substantial rights will still sensationalize some extreme individual cases on human rights to defame and contain fast-growing China under the banner of human rights. So, China's publicity on human rights still has a long way to go. Hence, for a better international opinion environment and national image,China should make great efforts to do well in publicity on human rights. Perhaps the following points is helpful to that: properly respond to new topics on human rights instead of avoiding them, innovate in the measures of publicity,and make China's voices on human rights more credible by cooperating with Nongovernmental Organizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:publicity strategy, international opinion environment, national image
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