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The Party's Work Style Of Revolution And Construction Research

Posted on:2011-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330335476929Subject:Political theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Work style is a very important part of Party building. According to the degree to which the theory of seeking truth from facts is implemented in the Party, this paper classifies different stages of work style building, comparing work style building in both revolutionary period and ruling period. According to the relationships among various elements and some crucial issues involved in work style building, the author thinks that the focus of work style building differs in different periods because we are facing up with different problems, which is actually caused by different values. This paper consists of five parts: Introduction and four chapters.The first chapter is a brief introduction to work style building, including the major aims, content, and significance of work style building in the Party.The second chapter is about work style building in New Democratic Revolution Period, it consists of two sections:the first section explores work style building before Zunyi Conference; it is the first stage in which exist some unsystematic, immature and fragmental ideas. Gutian Conference Resolution proposes the importance of building the Party and the Revolutionary Army from the aspect of ideological style, therefore, the content of work style building came into being; the second section it argues that work style building starts in every way from Zunyi Conference and Yan'an Rectification and the theory of work style building becomes mature.The third chapter focuses on work style building after the founding of new China, it consists of two sections. The first section is about work style building before Open and Reform policy. In order to improve the Party's capability of ruling, the Part presents that Marxism should be combined with the realities in China; corruption and formalism are the major concerns in the process of Party building and so on. The author also recalls the fact that work style building once stopped because of the errors made in Anti-Rightist Struggle and Cultural Revolution in the 20th century. The second section is about work style building since the Open and Reform policy. In this section, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zeming and Hu Jintao'arguments on work style building are concerned. Deng argues that Party's work style building is closely related to the future of the nation; for the first time, he elaborates theories of ruling party's work style building systematically. Jiang pushes the project of work style building through his "three stresses", he argues that good work style guarantees the image of the Party, the reinforcement of anti-corruption and "three representatives" helps to build good work style building. Hu stresses a fresh, pragmatic and clean work style which is for people, thus promoting the Party building and institutionalization and standardization of the Party life.The forth chapter does a comparative study of work style building between the revolutionary period and ruling period. On the one hand, the author of the present paper thinks that the essence of work style building is the same in both periods, for the ideological style building is always put at the first place in these two periods, the advanced nature is always stressed, the role of the Party work style building in promoting the social atmosphere is always emphasized, etc. On the other hand, the specific content, forms and construction patterns of work style building in these two periods differ, and these differences find their expressions in their peculiar features demonstrated in content, form, construction pattern as well as developmental phases. The second section is the historical revelation:Leading Cadres are the key to work style building; work style building should focus on grass-roots level and does promote the social atmosphere.
Keywords/Search Tags:Style, Revolution, Building, Comparative study
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