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Russian Political Parties And Political Reform Process And Its Characteristics

Posted on:2011-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W R ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330332959167Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union,the Soviet Communist Party's dictatorship is over. President Yeltsin, who was strongly affected by western thoughts,adopted policies closer to the West. He committed himself to reforming political system,but failed. As a result, a large number of parties emerged prominently,and everything was in a state of disorder. Facing this chaotic political situation, Putin came to power. He decided to follow the world trend of democracy, and develop Multi-party system in Russia.In order to establish a multi-party system including three or four parties, Putin began to reform the Russian electoral system, and actively build a civil society. To improve the multi-party system, Russia's party legislation has been passed. He established the party of political power, and succeeded in leading United Russia to victory in parliamentary elections. To the opposition parties such as Russian Communist Party, the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, and Just Russia party and so on, Putin implemented strike and lasso strategy simultaneously. From now on, Russia entered into a new age, and the Russian political landscape has been changed. Putin's political reform has made an impact on Russian political situation, the construction of parties, the consolidation of Russian new thoughts,the smooth progress of anti-terrorism activities and people's values directly or indirectly. Putin sought to establish a controlled democracy in Russia, also called sovereign democracy.Putin's thoughts come from Russia's traditional values, such as patriotism, strong sense of being a powerful country,concept of the state and social solidarity. The multi-party system is being improved in Russia under the leadership of Putin. However, there are still some problems. For example, it's hard to become ruling parties for regime parties,and the United Russia is not mature enough yet.From another point of view, Russia has made great achievements on the construction of party politics under the leadership of Putin. Therefore,in short, Putin will continue to lead Russia into a new era, regardless of whether Putin back to presidency in 2012 or not.
Keywords/Search Tags:Characteristics
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