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On Impressionistic Oil Paintings

Posted on:2011-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308983884Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social development bring challenges to the development of contemporary oil painting in china. How to construct a native and unique Chinese oil painting in the storm of eastern-western culture communication? This article is focus on the most popular theme : free style painting, analyzing the historical source and culture background through two aspects: the tradition of Chinese free style painting and the development of the western oil painting. The article point out that this theme is one of the most important directions that Chinese oil painting will toward to by analyzing famous painter's works.The article could be divided into five parts. The first part defines the Free Style of painting, and explains the possibility of seeking the spirit of the Free Style of Chinese oil painting. The second part analyses the historical source of the Free Style of European oil painting. The third part describes the tendency of free style in Chinese contemporary oil painting in general, and categorizes it into three groups. The forth part states the aesthetic significance of the oil painting in free style, points the importance of the oil painting in free style on developing the oil painting of China in future, and highlights the problems that ought to be noticed in the oil painting of free style. The fifth part is the conclusion of this article, which predicts the prospect of the Free Style of oil painting.How to rebuild the art value of modern oil painting and beautiful mood in a high developed material and spiritual civilization is an important question in front of our face. My paper discuss about the following five aspects, the formation, character , connotation, value and significance of modern oil painting of china.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil paiting, Contemporary Art, Free style, Express, Rhythm
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