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Historical Value Of The Ecological View Of History Research

Posted on:2011-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308981235Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecological history concept provided new research material and perspectives for the historical research, that can help us gain a deeper, more critical understanding of the history development. Based on epistemology and methodology of ecological history concept, this article attempts to bring this new historical theory of the initial value of the summary and evaluation.The preface describes the research the causes of ecological history concept, domestic and international research on the ecological history concept, and the innovation and difficult of this article. The body is divided into three parts. The first chapter explained the generation and content of ecological history concept. Ecological crisis caused by the ecological movement, but also encouraged people to reflect on the philosophical point of view, resulting in ecological philosophy. Ecological philosophy to answer practical questions, in order to explore the practical problems to solve, people began to turn attention to history, hoping to find the answer from history, so in the back forming process of the history of the ecological history concept. This article based on the research at home and abroad, to re-determine the meaning of ecological history concept.The second chapter is the core content of this article, expounded mainly from three aspects of the epistemological question of ecological history concept: From the perspective of the relationship between man and nature,redefining human nature; From the perspective of the relationship between man and nature, re-description of the process of human history; From the perspective of the relationship between man and nature, interpretation of the laws of history.The third chapter expounded mainly from the three aspects of the methodology of ecological history concept. Expanding the object of historical research and historical range of options; Expanding ways and means of historical research; Expanding the evaluation of historical significance.In short, ecological history greatly deepened the understanding of ecological problems of mankind, the future trend of human history provides a new epistemology and methodology tools.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological History Concept, Ecological Philosophy, Epistemology, Methodology
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