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Yunnan Town Of Heshun Religious Festival And Functional Study

Posted on:2011-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X CunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308981156Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Religious sacrifice is an important ceremony and expression through communicating with Gods. A system of religious faith in a community is fully represented by a series of complicated and ordered ritual activities. In the process of long migration and development, Heshun people forms their own religious faith and sacrificial tradition. Diverse object of religious faith has affected local production, standard and rules, while local production and living condition have changed religious faith and sacrificial activities.The paper deals with the study of religious sacrifice by the theories and methods of sociology, and researches on faith and ritual of religion and change of culture in this community of Han people, through explanation, description and analysis of sacrificial activities. Also it discusses social function and changing development of religious sacrifice in Heshun. Aiming at revealing the situation of religious faith and cultural feature, the paper produces cultural connotation and social function. And besides, religious faith has both positive and negative effects on social function, based on this analysis the paper tries to discuss interaction between religion and society.At its core is the Confucian and pluralized gods are composed of the system of religious faith in Heshun. The Confucian sense of piety as worship of the sovereign, the ancestor worship, a forest of ancestral halls and the ceremonials of ancestor worship are all extremely aroused the whole sense of blood relation of the ethnic group. This will enable the community to be self-management and self-discipline, and form a center for strengthening unity. In which'Peace is the best option'not only sets people and people's harmony, people and gods'harmony, also harmony between man and nature. On the other hand, pluralized faith system makes gods everywhere supervising people who live in the system, in addition, the essence of religious teaching that good to be done contributes that Hushun has a fine spectacle in tradition and harmony.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heshun, religious sacrifice, function
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