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Luc Besson Film Studies

Posted on:2011-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Luc Besson is a highly controversial director in France. As a national movie explorer, he made some movies with strong artistic, which have won Caesar Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival and other international film festival awards; As "France Spielberg",his movies maintain artistic as well as try to commercialize breakthrough,Leon-The Professional and The Fifth Element made him become a noteworthy director in contemporary French film industry.His films often have two apparently contradictory elements. The content has an adelomorphic nationalization and artistic core; in the form, they are keen on a dazzling variety of the world and commercialization strategy. Luc Besson's films stick to the French art as well as earned a good business at the box office. This effective balance between art and commerce is different from the contemporary work of other directors', and is also the author's main thesis propositions. This thesis will make a systematic analysis of his films from the perspectives of directors' art persistence and commercial breakthrough. The thesis is divided into four parts.The first part is Luc Besson persistence in movie art. From the perspective of work, the thesis analyzes the film's artistic quality of the director, particularly analyzing the early strong artistic movies. Mainly analyze from the video films, themes, and "author" style.The second part is Luc Besson's movie commercial breakthrough. This chapter starts from the status quo of the business at the box office to discover commercial breakthrough, and analyze movie commercial strategy. By analysis of his works in 1990s, we can discover commercialization in film form, narrative style, image style, film language, ideology and other aspects.The third part is to analyze Luc Besson film commercial breakthrough reasons. This chapter starts from the times context, personal growth experiences, movies' commercial property and other aspects to analyze middle and later periods' commercial reasons.The fourth part is Luc Besson film style brand establishment and inspiration on the Chinese films. In recent years, the French film industry status convergence with that in China; Luc Besson film brands will draw enlightenment on Chinese film, so this chapter from the perspective of movie brand, increasing medium-sized investment and taking advantage of talent to interpret Luc Besson success elements in film industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luc Besson, brand, art, trade
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