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Cao Cao Poetry Aesthetic Thought

Posted on:2011-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C BiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long time, people usually put more emphasis on the excavation of his poetry literary value, while ignoring the exploration and research of his poetic aesthetic thought when people study Cao Cao's poetry. Through the study of the historical cause of Cao Cao's poetry's aesthetic implication, the aesthetic consciousness of Cao cao's poetry, the historical status of Cao cao's poetry and etc, this paper highlights the aesthetic thought of Cao Cao's poetry. Taking the social environment which Cao Cao was in as the starting point and starting from the era in which he was, this paper combines Cao Cao's poetry and the aesthetic thought contained in the poetry with the trend of aesthetic thought during the Han and Wei Dynasty to reveal the source of Cao Cao's poetic aesthetic thought.In addition to the introduction, the main text is divided into four parts. The following is the outline:Chapter I The historical cause of Cao Cao's poetry aesthetic implication.Through the analysis of the social background which Cao Cao was in, this chapter deeply dissects the influence of the environment on him and his artistic creation and reveals the composition of aesthetic thought of his poetry.Chapter II and Chapter III mainly discuss the aesthetic thought of Cao Cao's poetry, including the aesthetic consciousness.Chapter IV The historical status of aesthetic style of Cao Cao's poetry.Through the discussion of Cao Cao's poetry overall impact on Jianan period's poetry and the pioneering to his poetry's artistic expression,chapter IV highlights the historical status of Cao Cao's poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cao Cao's poetry, aesthetic research, noblility
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