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"the Scholars" Etiquette A Descriptive Study

Posted on:2011-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A N HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308465076Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The Scholars" is an ironic novel apotheosis of ancient china, the book describes rituals involved in a number of vivid, profound, not only to portray the look of Confucian scholars in the attitudes of intellectuals, but also reflects the situation at that time the world community, state, sustenance of thinking is a genre painting, the description of the customs of the book of great significance.This article is divided into introduction, body, conclusion of three parts, mainly dwell more on the book three customs: weddings, funerals, rituals for analysis and research, respectively, the three customs that the detailed descriptions in the book, perspective these rituals describe the role of the book and tried to dig their deep implication.Exordium is to introduce the ancient manners and customs, in general, describes the differences and similarities between the two; Review of "The Scholars" in the description of the history and customs status; Explain the purpose and significance of this study, and briefly This paper describes the methods and writing ideas.Text is divided into four chapters.The first chapter is mainly overview of "The Scholars" in the customs description, noting that its description of diversity, profundity, and artistic and other distinctive characteristics.The second chapter is" The Scholars "in the wedding: The first, briefly introduce the contents of the ancient wedding ceremony, purpose and function, followed by the combination of "Six program "analysis throughout the book description of a specific wedding. Section II reveals the book describes the cultural connotation of marriage, mainly the following three aspects: first, during the Ming and Qing Beginning of female self-awareness, reflected in a brave and prudent Shen Qiongzhi, Wang ignored the concept of chastity wife and Pin Niang pursue their dreams,The three women employed description of the wedding; Second, to reflect the society seeks profit was extravagant. Mainly through the book show and the heavy, heavy financial marriage, fiscal impact of marriage and other door first marriage wedding description, such as the wedding show and grow Ms Lu, Bao Tingxi the mother of his wife's property to the king to marry the son of the match, merchants and Hanlin marriage, etc., reflecting the then extravagant seeks profit, the pursuit of fame wealth of society; Third, analysis of the status of concubine at that time. From the book description of concubinage concubinage was not a ceremony can be seen, eyes on ground conditions such as multiple birth; of concubinage of two reasons, one of lust, and second, Inheriting; strict monitoring job status on the health of perspective concubine Zhao's fate and the way that the centralizer or have children; the final analysis of the mouth of borrowing in the figure of Virtue express the views of concubinage. Section III, describes the role of the wedding book: first, to enhance the dramatic irony wedding effects, such as by Yan Gong Health Quxi extremely ironic character of its stingy by Miss Lu wedding in a few dissonant interlude irony the Lu family obsession with eight-legged essay of ignorance, and those bent on the pursuit of fame by Dynasty imperial wealth of pedantic person; second, three-dimensional shape the characters, the author has arranged the second marriage a few experienced people, like Kuang Chaoren's stopping wife remarry, Bao Tingxi Marrying the illegal ceremony, and Niu Pulang simple wedding just started, making them three-dimensional characters are rich, diverse character.The third chapter is "The Scholars "in the funeral: The first, an overview of the ancient tradition of heavy funeral main reasons immortality of the soul concept, sense of ancestor worship, filial piety and awareness of China; in accordance with the procedures of the funeral ceremony of the book description of the specific funeral. Section II reveals the book describes the funeral of the Cultural Meaning, mainly in the following three points: First, reflecting the humanistic spirit of filial piety, the lack of such fine tradition, such as the pseudo filial piety, right Fan Jin don't use the false filial piety, Xun Mei scoundrelly DingYou attempt to minnith, with the publication of the Wang Mian filial piety, Du Shaoqing to all the filial piety form bright contrast; Second, the issue of feng shui, feng shui superstition of the confusion in critical phenomena. On both sides of the attitude taken by geomancy, he had surgery on a number of geomancy certainly appropriate, but the hate and criticize those Xinkouhuzhou to promote feng shui wealth and fame tied to superstitious act. Third, to expose social polarization aggravating. Ming and Qing Dynasties both extravagant funeral funeral style downtown, such as the mother of Xun Mei, Fan Jin mother had died the funeral of a very beautiful, but there are many poor people unable to hold the funeral ceremony, "coffin house" phenomenon is the poor performance. Section III, analyzes the significance of the book describes the funeral rites: first, the ironic effect of strengthening and deepening the theme, such as the wife of Wang Yan Jiansheng the funeral had taken a bittersweet blend of satire and buffoonery art, editing, and Fan Lu into the mother of all because Xi Ji died in sputum is a wealth of wonderful irony fame; second portrayed the rich. If the performance of cattle Lao Er's funeral two elderly honest sincere feelings; Bao Wenqing's funeral showed the profound friendship of Xiang Ding and Bao Wenqing; Xiaohao Xuan's death showed the father and son duo of loyalty and filial piety.Chapter IV "The Scholars "in the ritual: describes the ancient rituals of the content, purpose and meaning, then discusses the three main temple festival activities. Section, Nanjing Ji Temple ceremony Talbot, first described the rituals of preparation, followed by the Temple of the cultural image of Talbot festival, including the spirit of comity, harmonious spirit, "King" and by virtue of custom, the final analysis, Thailand Festival Peter Temple's influence and reflection. Section II, Wuhe Festival Piety Temple of the book, Piety Temple on the festival of specific description, description of a profound analysis of the causes of the snobbish. Section III, Huizhou Festival paragons Temple, the main temple of sacrifice paragons phenomenon of creation of the prototype according to the last paper shows that, according to the book description of the Ming and Qing Probe Concept of chastity.Conclusion is the full text of the summary, the overall description of this description of the three Customs and understanding the book, the author of the book contains ideas have a very important role.
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Scholars", customs, weddings, funerals, rituals
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