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Month Prototype Exists And Evolution

Posted on:2011-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360305996234Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The moon occupies a very important place in the ancient Chinese literature works. The scholastic Du Erwei of Taiwan has described Chinese ancient culture as moon culture. The different between moon and other things in the literature is that not only it is frequently used by the literators as natural things to touch some common psychology state of people, but also the moon stands for some order which affects people's ideas about life and the world. Just so, a lot of scholastics have studied the moon for a long time. The study fastens on two main facets:one is the mythic about the moon, the other is the moon in the poem, the fiction and so on. Most of the studies of moon in the ancient works research for the meaning of moon according to the Archetypes. The same point of these studies is that they all attach great importance to the originality and communality and find them out. This thesis tries to find out the displacement and transformation by sorting out the archetype of moon. According to the writer, the literary archetype is formed gradually with the development of literature. In this course, the literary archetype enriches itself by the breakthrough of form and meaning. From this angle, the course of the archetype enriching itself can also be seem as the course of the displacement and transformation of archetype, which is the existence of archetype.According to the differences at every stage of it, the archetype of moon of Chinese ancient literature is divided into three stages. It includes the natural state of the archetype of moon, the aesthetic state of the archetype of moon, the narration state of the archetype of moon.The boundary between the first two states and the last state is the Song Dynasty. Before the Song Dynasty, poem is the main style of Chinese ancient literature, the frequency of the imagery of moon appeared in the poem is very high. Therefore, the research mainly fastens on the archetype of moon in the poem in this period. The present of Chinese archetype is affected by our philosophical idea of the unify of human and nature, and our way of thinking. The manifestation way of metrics, metaphor, xing, and the theory and category of imagery, artistic conception, are both the presence of such an unique philosophical idea and way of thinking evolving in different period. This thesis tries to research the archetype of moon before the Song Dynasty by connecting above mentioned with archetype. The natural state of the archetype of moon is mainly the Pre-Qin and the Han Dynasty. The manifestation way of metrics, metaphor, xing prescribe the position of the archetype of moon, and also by this way, we can pry into the cognition and foundation of the ancients about the archetype of moon. The aesthetic state of the archetype of moon is mainly the Wei Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, Nan Bei Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty. In this phase, the ancients seek for the poetic of imagery and artistic conception. They lead the archetype of moon touch people's string by various ways. The narration state of the archetype of moon is mainly the period after the Song Dynasty. In this phase, the style of Narration has risen. The characteristic of fictitious of such a style, lead the archetype of moon became the thing where people can make their profane dreams into reality, and which deeper the characteristic of profane of the archetype of moon. People's cognition and foundation about the archetype of moon has changed greatly. The archetype of moon has become a psychology pattern to the literators, and affects the establishment of their texts. is a perfect example of the use of the archetype of moon in that phase, where, the moon is beauteous beautiful, fully philosophical.
Keywords/Search Tags:archetype of moon, xing, imagery, artistic conception
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