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Aesthetic Thought In Heidegger Theological Implication

Posted on:2011-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
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Heidegger(1899-1976) was a prominent thinker in the 20th-century.Although there are numerous studies on Heidegger's aesthetic thought, little has been written about theological implication of Heidegger's aesthetic thought in the world.Chinese scholars have paid even less attention to this topic.This dissertation presented have studied theological implication of Heidegger's aesthetic thought.It is expected that this research will bring Chinese academic circles a further understanding on Heidegger's aesthetic thought."Theolgy and Aesthetics" is different from the "theological aesthetics".The former is a human science, the latter must be at least maintained the attitude of belief. The trend of the evolution of modern aesthetics but deviated from the spirit of belief. It is this tendency to force mixed aesthetic analysis techniques relying on marginalize the discipline of art to maintain the situation. Heidegger's theological aesthetics correct the downside tendency of aesthetics.The dissertation consists of five parts including an introduction,three chapters and concluding remark which mainly studies the theological imlication of Heidegger's aesthetic thought and its impact on mordern society. The Introduction of this dissertation introduces a survey of the document data and presents conditions of research related to the subject.Chapter One tries to analyze the theological implication of Heidegger's ontology philosophy which lies a foundation for the next chapter.Chapter Two is a main part of this dissertation.This part is to ananlyze the theological implication of Heidegger's acsthetrics thought. Heidegger's aesthetic thought is similar with theology in three aspects.Firstly, beauty is the bright of God.Secondly, poetry is the words of God. Thirdly,we encounter God in the art. Chapter three tries to analyze the impact of the theological implication of Heidegger's aesthetics thought on mordern society.It has revelations on nihilism, the relationship between technology and art, the loss of home.The conclusion summarizes this dissertation,which point that Heidegger's aesthetic thought has not only the theological implication,but also human feeling.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heidegger, aesthetics, theological implication, being
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