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Control Mode Of The Social Ideology Of The Soviet Union To Study

Posted on:2011-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360305994301Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Looking throughout the history of international relations since the Russian Revolution, there are abundant examples of infiltration and anti-infiltration, subversion and anti-subversion, "Westernization" and "anti-Westernization". Just as Professor Shi Yinhong,a well-known experts in history of international relations said, the 20th century is the history of ideological struggle between capitalism and socialism. It had proved by History and the work of Japanese scholars Fukuyama. In view of the working class can not own socialist ideology by themselves and the backwardness of cultural when the Soviet Union stepped into socialist society, Lenin proposed the "cultural revolution" and initially explored a ideological control mode centered on "indoctrination" in order to raise people's consciousness and the consolidation of communist ideology of socialism. While upholding the principle of class nature of ideology, Stalin abandoned the democratic and scientific factors of the control mode in Lenin period and at the same time furthered its centralized and administrative sides, finally developed the unique management mode of Soviet Union. As a highly ideological state and society, the Soviet Union devoted considerable human and material resources in this field, but because of its inherent defects, such as political pressure, force color and was totally unrealistic that could not really make Marxism enjoyed popular support by people and finally gone into failure, but Just as Engels said, "every disasters have the historical progress as its compensation, " so does it. Even though it has become a historical, its reference values remains. Looking back into the past, we can learn much and avoid many mistakes. This paper aims to analyzing the historical materials of Soviet Union's rise and fall, summing up its successful experience and failures, and then raising some useful proposals to strengthen and improve China's current ideological control work.
Keywords/Search Tags:the ideological control mode of Soviet Union, contents, features, reflections
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