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Study Of Early Merchants

Posted on:2011-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Businessman,the product of a certain stage of social development, originated from the increasingly sophisticated division of labor, As an intermediary role among various groups, they are effectively linked up through business activities. During Western Zhou period, business achieved initial development, accompanied by significantly increased business activities. According to historical records, the period clearly marked the establishment of a bureaucratic system in fields of industries, merchants and food, which may have existed in the Shang Dynasty. within the framework, officials and businessmenaccounted for the major commercial activities, but its main purpose is not to profit, but to undergo the basic functions of trading. businessmen lived in compacted communities with professional hereditary during this period Their tradings and even themselves are under the strict governance by the goverment;Identified as civilians, their social status ranged between scholars and civilians, with moderate changes in the Spring and Autumn Period later. The business groups are categorized into Shang and GU, slightly different in function, with Shang engaged in trading, and Gu selling the home products. In addition to historical records, part of the bronze wares unearthed presented inscriptions,word, rendering valuable raw data for our study on the commercial activities, Shang and Gu at this time.
Keywords/Search Tags:shang, gu, "administrators on industries, commerce and food, " social status, hierarch
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