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Modern Drama "witchcraft"

Posted on:2011-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WangFull Text:PDF
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In modern drama, we may find a phenomenon like this:Story, the main body of drama, has losen its dominant position, the plots in drama have been weakened, or even deconstructed. However, such varieties of drama, which seems not paying much attention to the story, belonging to different genres, written by different dramatist, having different styles, or having no relationship with each other, amazingly have a common skill to attract the audience, that is ritualization.The drama roots in ritual. From of old, drama and ritual are inseparable. Along with the development of drama, ritual displays various poses in drama. We can say, from Cist to post present age, ritual has transformed and changed gradually. Such transformation develops both the patterns of drama and ritual itself, and shows a brand new modern experience.Such ritualization becomes a kind of"sorcery"and penetrates in the modern drama, bringing out an unprecedented dramatic effect. It acts like performing ablution to a plain dramatic tale and making it to be solemn, mysterious and meaningful. In this paper, some typical works are cited to express in western modern drama how the dramatists adopt ritualization to make their works better and fresher from the dramaturgy point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ritualization, Ritual, Modern drama
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