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Tide Of History Is Of Little Fate

Posted on:2011-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360305454287Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a South Korean film director of unique characteristics and personal style, Chang-dong Lee started as a writer. From his first film in 1997 which was written, directed and starred by himself, Chang-dong Lee established himself as'the first film director of South Korea'with his unique'author'style and then marched into the International movie industry and attracted lots of attention.Chang-dong Lee focuses on some nobodies of the social underclass. His movies always reflect the repeated interrogation and close concern between others and himself. He is used to characterizing his characters in specific historical circumstances; meanwhile, he is good at exploring the characters'great spiritual strengthen from their rough experiences and frustration. But there is a little focus on Chang-dong Lee, which makes the research about him still not carry out systematically.This paper can be divided into 3 parts which are the introduction, the main text and the conclusion.You can know some information of Chang-dong Lee, such as his movie experiences, his creation features, the domestic and abroad research status about him, etc..The main text, with the Chang-dong Lee's only 4 films as the breakthrough point, can be divided into 3 parts, of which the author analyzes the style and characteristics of Chang-dong Lee's films respectively from the aspects of themes, narrations and images and then puts forward her own argument on the basis of her own analysis. In Chapter 1, the author analyzes the influences of wars, social status, religion and other factors to the movie themes Chang-dong Lee prefers at the point views of Korean history and national conditions; Chapter 2 focuses on the characters'common features and experiences to analyze Chang-dong Lee's special consideration and attention towards the borderline men's living states; in chapter 3, there are detailed interpretations about the symbols and metaphors of Chang-dong Lee's 4 films for further analysis about the style and connotations in the same line under the same theme from the aspects of audiovisual language and narrative method. In the last part, the author concludes the characteristics from Chang-dong Lee's works and emphasizes that as a director with strong feeling of social responsibility, Chang-dong Lee, starting from personal living experience, paid great attention to the unprivileged populace-who needs public care most but got none-to put his films successfully into Korean and International backgrounds of politics, economy and culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chang-dong, Lee Absurdism, Religion, Metaphor, Auteur system
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