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Abandoned And Regression - Contemporary Poetry And The Diaphragm Of The Chinese Context And Integration,

Posted on:2010-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360302975985Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has turned out to be a brand-new subject to focus on new poems in China in the circumstances of Chinese language. If it wants to save itself, it has to reshape itself, go back to Chinese language situations, continuously explore and create aesthetic distinctiveness of national poetry, compose confronted with the cultures of times,gradually eliminate the problems with Chinese language situation, and blend in with Chinese language situations. At the same time, it is pretty hard for the new poems to make a change by just relying on cultivating technically.If new poems want to rebuild the standard of poetry, it has to go back to Chinese language situations, accept and use modern Chinese grammar rules willingly, and in the process of exploraing and purchaing of authors of new poems, after long blending and testing, find common words and styles of poetry, and urge Chinese poetry to recover, unless it can satify people's expectation for it.The part of introduction analyses the current state of the diminishment and silence of morden poetry.It puts forward its fusion with Chinese language context,illustrates the context of Chinese language as well as new poetry,so that it makes clear their difference both in concept and in meaning.The first chapter analyses the remarkable change on inside language conext caused by the separation of language formation between new poetry and ancient verses, which strikly shows in its bad content as well as confused format.The second chapter anslyses the outside enviroment the current poetry must face and its deep influences on our poet's creation of works.Looking forward to the return of the current poetry to the Chinese language context, the third chapter explores the problem of the two part's fusion.Context of epoch formed by the disasterous earthquake in Venchuan ignited the passion for poetry about this disaster and it brings us also a very beneficial inspiration.The fourth chapter refers to the new foundation of the Chinese poetry ,which turns back again to the Chinese language context. It emphasizes the necessity of rebuliding the standard of the poetry's Chinese language context as well as the volunteray usage of rules of the morden Chinese language.
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary poetry, Chinese language situations, separation, blending, resurrection
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