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Grotesque Art Cartoon Design

Posted on:2011-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360302492098Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Renaissance, the idea of a free and open art began to be socially acceptable. Moreover, as the origin of the development of capitalism in Europe, expand the power of the public sectors, leading to major changes in social structure. In the interaction of these two conditions (factors), the making of the medieval tradition of painting gradually moved away from art industry, the increasingly close to the aesthetic trend of the civilian population, to provide a cartoon produced by social background. Meanwhile, as members of the public sector to express their demands, cartoons are also to be given a broader connotation. Britain, as the first establishment of a modern parliamentary democracy country and the one of the first countries involving in the industrial revolution. The establishment of democracy and ensure people's freedom of speech and publication, a"social platform"has been established for developing the cartoon art. Into development of the modern cartoon stage, people can see a variety of art concepts and styles have had an impact on the creation of it, which is even more grotesque in contemporary art designed to make cartoon art more influential.Was born in the late fifteenth century, weird art on the number of Chinese contemporary art was a matter of unfamiliar words, but it has a worldwide presence and its influence have always been widely accepted. Cartoon as a product of post-industrial society, the weird form of art was the most commonly used form of a vision of its carnival and the grotesque nature of aesthetic form in the most typical reaction to coincide with the acceptance. In the full access to the mass consumer today, grotesque style of the cartoon image is no doubt to under the influence of a more realistic, more in line with today's aesthetic of contemporary, while it will become a development trend in the next period of time. Above stated the grotesque art affected cartoon, and try to summarize in how cartoon presented under this influence of this arts, combined with my own creative practice and put forward my personal views of the development of contemporary cartoon.
Keywords/Search Tags:grotesque art, contemporary cartoon, affect/influence, development trend
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